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How to stay connected with your children one book at a time during the COVID-19 pandemic


The pandemic of COVID-19 has brought many challenges to everyone, especially families with small children who had to transition from learning at school to learning virtually from home. At Renaissance, we understand the many challenges and stress parents are facing with this situation and trying to adapt to the new normal. We'd like you to know that it is okay to feel overwhelmed as a parent during these unprecedented times and that you are not alone, we are here to help. We'd like to provide you with 4 tips to help keep your children learning during the pandemic, but most importantly, to keep your and your children's mental health in good condition during these times.

1. Don't forget your children need your help now more than ever.

Children are smart and they can pick up when their parents are worried or scared, causing them to feel the same. Make sure they know they can always rely on you and come to you for any questions or concerns. And most importantly, that you make yourself available to talk and listen to them. Pay attention to what they watch on TV or in the internet. Educate them on the pandemic and how they can help keep things sanitized, and themselves as well.

2. Make a routine

Making a routine with your children will allow you and them to build a better structure for daily tasks and organization throughout the day. Use everyday activities for learning opportunities for your chidden, and don't forget to include some fun play time to help them try their best during learning time. Switch up your activities if you see your children getting bored of the routine.

3. Take some time to read to your kids As you may already know, a child's reading skills are important to their success in education and life in general. To ensure your child is successful, it is extremely important to read to them at an early age. Some benefits of reading to children can include: Improved language skills, preparation for academic success, developing a special bond with your child, increased concentration and discipline, increase in creativity levels and develop love for books.

4. Seek Resources Renaissance is proud to be a resource to parents during these unprecedented and challenging times. Allow us to help you read to your children for you! If you are interested in our programs and virtual learning sessions, contact us here for more information and to get started.

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